My wife works 60+ hours a week, so weekends (specifically) are for spending time together. We both started getting into the English Premier League a few years ago. So weekends mornings are coffee and soccer. I love going on a long walk with my dog too. What a stress reliever. Also enjoy late morning movie theatre matinee.

Just discovered a new one recently. My wife had to travel to Europe and got home the day before Thanksgiving. Wanted to do something together that wasn’t turning off our brain and watching Netflix/TV. Had a 1000 piece puzzle set someone bought us a few years ago we never put together. Turned on some music and cleared the kitchen table. Hardly talked at all. Can’t express how soothing and fulfilling that time over those couple of days. We bought 2 more.

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I found myself in a very unique and modern position that I think a lot of white collar, coastal, above-average earners find themselves in after graduating college -- where you don't exactly feel like you're working toward anything.

I think it's a specific feeling that comes out of a lack of stressors in life -- not trying to land a job, not raising a kid, not having to stress too much about money, etc. I feel like this is why a lot of people go to grad school for more or less no reason.

Anyhow, the thing I've picked up is learning Spanish with the goal of one day sounding indistinguishable from a paisa from Oxaca.

And this has helped me deal with this unique feeling because actually learning a language is a pretty overwhelming process, regardless of what any sort of advertising will tell you.

You can't do it through Duo Lingo, you can't really pay for it, you can't really take any shortcuts. You have to spend countless hours learning words, struggling with conjugations, tripping over pronunciations, etc.

And then the process itself is pretty rewarding. I've been going for about nine months now and while I'm nowhere near fluent, I can communicate with native speakers and I've had an entire world opened up to me.

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Would imagine there's a lot of readers here, me among them.

Also like to run, hike, and ice skate. Wouldn't mind picking up another hobby like learning a language, but not sure I have the time or discipline to give it an earnest go.

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Distance running and SEC football. Ain’t that America

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Walking 10K steps a day.

Reading. NO TV. What a wasteland.

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I started doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu over the pandemic. I never saw myself trying any martial arts but it’s a blast. It definitely appeals to the caveman part of my brain.

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Does writing a book go from hobby to business after you've published it and it's out in the world?

If so, then I'll say my NBA Jam arcade cabinet is a delightful waste of time.

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Like many in the thread, I'm mostly parenting in my spare time. Beyond that, at the moment I pour a lot of time into a literature podcast I run with some buddies - both the reading before and the editing after, which I do. I'm also a lifelong cellist, though since we moved to a small town a year and a half ago (plus pandemic) I haven't really played - group settings are more motivating than individual practice, at this point.

Beyond that, I like board games. My wife's not a huge fan, so I play with friends, which at the moment means playing online via Tabletop Simulator. In the past I would have described myself as a cinephile, but that's largely gone by the wayside since having kids.

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When not parenting - reading (historical fiction a favourite), gym, travel (fortunate to have lived in London for past 6 years where European weekend getaways were easy), going down YouTube rabbit hole of cricket highlights from the 90s and 00s, pretending to be a wine expert.

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Writing: https://jakeseliger.com/

Lifting weights.


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Brewing Beer



Family time/Coaching youth sports with my son

Kettlebell workouts

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Golf, DFS, poker, running

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Parenting, English soccer, read and review sports books, work out and household chores.

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Yoga, travel, cooking, any type of adventure seeking. Just bought a starter kit to learn lock picking, that will be a new hobby for 2022.

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Disc golf

Training the puppy

Lifting weights

Cooking Japanese

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Magic the Gathering and powerlifting.

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I built a kit wooden kayak a few years ago...amazingly relaxing to be in the moment working with my hands. I'm trying the same soon with a stand-up paddleboard.

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Just started boxing which has been fun. I also read a lot (only fiction). Other than that, I work 80+ hours a week so don't have time for a lot of hobbies. If I have free time, tend to try to spend it with girlfriend, friends or family.

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Watching EPL and Bundesliga with my kids

Walking the dogs with my kids

Studying Korean

Strength training

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Tapestry weaving, reading, gardening

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As a parent of young kids my hobbies mostly revolve around them, but besides them I spend way too much time with fantasy football. It's fun and a good way of keeping up with friends....plus as you can probably imagine from the people on this forum, I am pretty into sports

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I am addicted to Cities: Skylines on PC

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Lots of guitar stuff. Been playing for like 25 years. Love to try and play every day but at least a few times a week. I tinker a lot. Bunch of custom made guitars and literally every one I own has had something tweaked on it. I think I have around 20 right now and most are strats. I want to get enough of a shop to build them from scratch.

I like to write. I’ve had a music/guitar blog for like a decade but it’s been neglected lately.

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Completely obsessed with golf, really dove in when the pandemic hit and don’t know if it’ll ever not be my main hobby at this point. Also enjoy reading, watching sports, working out, traveling. Im about as generic as they come lol

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Flying my planes. I own a 1976 Cessna Cardinal RG, and a share of a 1978 Cessna 180 floatplane.

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Basketball, Movies, Writing, Writing music, Painting miniatures & crafting terrains, Reading, D&D, Cooking/BBQ. ✌️

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Pickleball! Used to have other hobbies but pickleballers know how that goes…

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I’m really into collecting basketball cards. Are you familiar with the resurgence of the hobby Ethan? You may find some thing there interesting to write about.

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Baking and listening to music - both at the same time. My husband is retired military and baking was always my therapy when he was deployed in-theater. Music has always been a big part od my life. My dad always had music playing on the weekends when we were young.

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I love seeing movies in the theater. I don't care how great a home system someone says they have, it doesn't compare to seeing a film in a theater. Going to a theater has meaning to me even if I don't end up liking the movie. I love to travel (been to all 50 states and 25 countries). I read mystery novels regularly. And of course, I watch a lot of sports.

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